Frequently Asked Questions
Is First Chime a conventional private jet catering company?
First Chime is a private chef service in the form of a catering company.
What differentiates First Chime from conventional private jet catering companies?
We focus on ‘one client at a time’ with the utmost detailed attention to their desires. Our focus is to provide a new concept of service for private jet passengers and crew members with tailored meals that you request. We avoid overbooking the orders that exceed our capacity so we can maintain the highest quality for the client. We recommend you to contact us in advance to check the availability.
How is First Chime's private chef service different than ordering from a conventional catering company, a restaurant or sourcing the food myself?
We have the appropriate licensure to guarantee proper, safe food storage, handling, and delivery. In most states, private chefs are limited to cooking in client’s residences and are not permitted to deliver outside of the cooking location without the proper catering license and following the local health department’s food safety regulations and guidelines.
Is First Chime's private chef service available for on board service on actual trips?
The chef on board service is available upon request.